
I wrote a play!


A paranormal investigation of identity and personhood

Brooklyn W. any pronouns (they/she/he/it)
Artist & Theater tech

First of all, my website! It's the best place to see my work and hear my thoughts. I've put a lot of time and love into coding it from scratch, and it's a much nicer user experience than any of my social medias. I also update it a lot more regularly!

Social medias! These are ok for getting in touch with me, as I check them fairly often.

Best way to get ahold of me:

Fun stuff that I'm involved in!


Hi! You scrolled this far, you deserve to learn a little about me.

I'm fat, queer, and battling my anxiety with a healthy dose of absurdism.

I'm a theater artist who loves puppetry and experimental design. I enjoy sewing my own clothes and am a huge supporter of visible mending and sustainable (and ethical!) clothing sources. Plus, just looking cool and feeling confident in your own personal style! This carries into a lot of the art that I do, as I like to find my materials from re-purposed sources and let them inspire the direction they take me in. I also believe in the web revival, the return of the power over the internet to its users and the resurrection of personality and customization. You have control over your environment, whether that's the clothes you wear, the space you live in, or the place you post online. Customize it, paint your furniture, put things on your walls, sew patches to your clothes, give your site a crazy background, make it yours. Show that someone was here. it doesn't have to be a big artistic statement or even good. Just show that you were here.

Some of my favorite inspirations:

  • Adam Savage
  • Dave Malloy
  • Michael Curry
  • James Ortiz
  • Christine McConnell
  • William Gibson (the playwright, not the scifi author)
  • Zach Barr (And Now They Sing)

Some quotes:

"We are all dying, and art is what keeps us alive in the meantime"
- William Gibson

"i just have to remember to lose control. the dancing, remember the dancing...the only people who look bad on a dance floor are the people half dancing. the other half thinking...o wretched thought leave my mind for tonight, for tomorrow night, for seven nights hence...let me just be in this body and shake in a delirious whirl. i dont think when i laugh, i dont think when i laugh."
- Dave Malloy

"i must stop assuming that the rest of the world is stronger than me. i must remember that my ability to give love is miracle."
- Dave Malloy