
Cover Letter / Skills

This page is just for myself at the moment, to have already written out ideas of what I'm good at so that I can answer with them/incorporate it into things.


  • 2022: Career Pathway Certificate: Technical Theater
    Mt. Hood Community College
  • 2023: Associate of Applied Science: Professional Theatre Technician
    Mt. Hood Community College


I'm very comfortable sewing on a machine and by hand, and very quick at the latter. Good with any kind of sewing machine that doesn't have a screen, as well as a serger. I studied costume design for my degree and have been designing and sewing costumes, for productions and for myself, since middle school.

I've been making my own clothes since 2022 and have made shirts, vests, bags, jackets, and pants both to wear and sell. I can read and use published patterns. I'm not very familiar with draping and drafting my own patterns, I can pattern loose and boxy clothing just fine but struggle with form-fititng shapes. I can however adjust storebought patterns.

I have many skills in more unconventional costume construction, such as EVA foam and wire structures, yarn wefts, embroidery, thermoplastic armor, basic leatherworking, and painting/weathering. I also often make clothes for dolls and puppets and enjoy working on a tiny scale.


I studies set design, painting, and construction as part of my degree. I'm not well versed in woodworking but if you give me a drill and point me in the right direction I can help construct a set.

I've done the most set painting. I'm already comfortable with different paints, brushes, rollers, and sprayers and have learned several painting techniques for things such as wood grain or stone.